The Kitchen Fire Suppression System Kit for Kitchen is a pre-engineered, wet chemical, indirect low-pressuresystem with a fixed nozzle agent distribution network. It extinguishes cooking fires caused by grease orgrease-laden vapors (class F or class K fire). It does not require electrical power or connection to either domesticwater supply or fire sprinkler supply lines. In case of fire, the system actuates automatically or by manual release.The Kitchen Fire Suppression System Kit for Kitchen is designed for the fire protection during cooking operations.Cooking operations are defined as kitchens that have Cooking appliances that produce grease and grease-ladenvapors. Cooking appliances include flat grills, char broilers, woks, cooking plates and deep fat fryers. Three (3),Five (5) and Ten (10) nozzles are included in the Kitchen Fire Suppression System Kit for Kitchen. One nozzleprotects an area of approximately 1m2 and extinguishes for example a fire caused by a burning 45 liter deep fatfryer. We recommend installing one (1) nozzle for the protection of the hood, one nozzle for the protection ofplenum and other nozzles for the protection of cooking appliances that produce grease and grease-laden vaporsas applicable depending on size of the kitchen equipment’s.
The system design complies with LPC 1223 Standards.
The various cylinder sizes 9L, 15L & 22.5L with different flow capacity are available
Heat Sensor tube Automatic activation
Fire is detected by the flexible, heat-sensitive, nitrogen pressurized Kitchen Fire Suppression System sensor tubing, which must be routed throughout the hazard area.
Fusible Link Automatic activation
Fire is detected by the Fusible Link which must be routed throughout the hazard area. In case of fire, the Fusible Link in Kitchen fire Suppression System breaks & tension reduces suddenly and activates the system automatically.
Types of System Activation
- By Heat Sensor tube
- By Fusible Link